Petroleum Development Oman
Petroleum Development Oman
85,800 Person Hours
Detailed Design
PDO decided to upgrade the old Birba Cluster and started with FEED that was done by Abalto through Imtech and WPAI for PDO. From the FEED stage, the project entered in detail design phase where again Abalto was awarded the specialist role of System Integrator SI for the Automation, Control & Instrumentation of the Control and Safety Systems upgrade. The challenge of this project and of one its main targets was to have the Control Systems and Instrumentation upgrade done as Hot Swap Online Changeover and with minimal disruption to the process and without any production loss to PDO. In order to achieve this, Abalto deployed an experienced team of 12 engineers and designers to the project to ensure all risks are identified and mitigated to achieve a smooth Hot Swap Changeover from the old control system to the new one and to ensure a timely completion of the project with minimum time spent during construction and commissioning.